Not So Far Away
For though I am far away from you, my heart is with you. And I rejoice that you are living as you should and that your faith in Christ is strong. Colossians 2: 5 (NLT) I’m glad so many of you enjoyed last Monday’s “Week in the Life” blog! While I do my best to describe my life here with words, sometimes I wish I could walk around with a GoPro, live streaming day to day life with you so that you could see how truly beautiful and joyous this place and these people, this life really is. This weekend our excitement entailed getting our TV fixed! When I was living in Morogoro I purchased a TV, but in the move to Bukoba, the screen cracked. Joseph was able to find a shop in town that could replace the screen and he spent most of the day Saturday building a stand for it and installing the dish on the side of the house, of course, surrounded by a group of students watching and learning as he worked. When they were called back to the dorms to bathe I laid down on the couc...