
Showing posts from March, 2019

Thanks, Mom

For everything that we have comes from God alone.  Everything lives by his power and everything is for his glory.   Romans 11:36 Y'all, it is hot.  The rainy season was supposed to arrive this month, but as of today, the 18th, we have not received the regular heavy rains that we desperately need here in Morogoro.  I'd be lying if I said that I adjusted well to the African heat and lack of air conditioning.  Even during our "cool" season I was constantly sweating.  But now with daily highs of 95 with 90% percent humidity it seems like everyone is struggling to keep cool.  The sun is relentless and makes going anywhere during the heat of the day miserable.  We are so thankful for our fans and pretty much hunker down in front of them in the afternoons, but on the regular occurrence that our electric company turns off our power, the only solution is to find a shady place outside and pray for a breeze.  We will all surely praise God whe...

Cockadoodle Doo!

You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Philippians 4:19-20 MSG Between what seemed like never ending sickness and conflicting schedules, the monthly Maasai village trips we had been making last year haven't been happening since we returned from the U.S.  Finally, this past Friday, Frank, Junior, and I were all available on the same day and we made a trip to the village of Mkangazi.  This village is served by Pastor Kulanga who lives here in town and travels out to the bush every weekend to lead services, and during the week to check on the community.  His wife Eunice is our District Superintendent and was the first female pastor in Tanzania. When we made our last visit to Mkangazi in November, the people told us that they need help funding the rebuilding of their toilets.  They had begun work diggi...

In the Hen House

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 Over the past week if I wasn't at school teaching, I was home building a chicken house.  It's kind of a long story, but that's why you're here right? Last Saturday I went to visit my friend Venance's mom on her farm.  Venance is one of the bus drivers at our school and his mom was one of our custodian's up until December when she retired and moved out to her farm to work the land there full time.  Venance, Anitha, Joseph and I took a public bus to the small village outside of Morogoro where Mama Venance's farm is located.  The bus ride probably should've taken forty five minutes, but any time the driver saw pedestrians on the side of the road, he stopped and the conductor encouraged them to get on.  This doubled the time of the trip and the number of passengers that should safely be on a bus of that size.  But after an hour and a half, we made it.  Venance...