We're Home!
Happy Easter! It feels good to be back in the swing of things (including blog writing) after a few weeks away. We closed the school for a two-week midterm break a week before Easter, so Joseph and I took the opportunity to visit his family in Mwanza and spend a few days in Dar es Salaam stocking up on things that we can’t get here in Bukoba. While seeing family and being in the “big city” was wonderful and much needed, by the end of our ten days away we were both really ready to come home to Bukoba, in a way that we don’t usually feel. Usually as we pack up our things, we are discussing how we wish we could stay at the hotel forever, or how much we’re going to miss the delicious food or the readily available iced coffee, or really just ice in general. But instead we were talking about how excited we were to see our animals (one of our chickens had ten baby chicks while we were away) and our students, and to eat our weekly meals that have become staple...