Happy Thanksgiving!

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews 12: 28-29

Wedding preparations are in full swing! We had a committee meeting last week where every decision was discussed and voted on by the staff (yes, every decision), and then smaller committees were formed for each part of the celebration (décor, food, security, cleaning, drinks, etc).  All of the smaller committees were assigned a chairperson who was to arrange meeting times for the committee and then report all of their discussions to me.  The major topic of discussion was the price of the horn players who will lead our procession from school down into town and back after the wedding ceremony, as well as which kind of car we should rent for Joseph and I to ride in during the procession. I pretty much just smile and nod, trying to keep up with the Swahili, and then ask Madam Peace about everything after the meetings.  We also distributed the matching fabric we bought in Dar es Salaam for all the staff members so that they can sew shirts or dresses for the wedding.  This caused major excitement around campus as especially the women began discussing which style of dress they would choose for the special day.  

While the wedding seems to be all anyone is talking about at KEMPS, classes continue as we prepare for the end of the 2020 school year.  It doesn’t seem possible that they school year could be ending already, that my students in fifth and sixth grade will be moving on to the next grade in just one short month, and yet here we are.  My sixth graders will start their last year of primary school where all of their efforts will be focused on preparing for the national examination and getting into a good secondary school.  I hate that for them and for their educators, but unfortunately, they have to work within an educational system in which exam scores are still the sole measurement of success.  My fifth graders will (hopefully) mature into strong sixth graders, taking over leadership roles in the school and stepping up to be good role models for their younger companions.  And I will receive a new group of fifth graders, students who will have just completed their fourth grade National examinations and all of the preparation that goes along with that.  

I find myself feeling incredibly positive and thankful these past few days.  I don’t know if it’s knowing that Thanksgiving is coming up, or the wedding preparations, or maybe finally feeling like myself again after being so sick for so long.  Regardless of the reason, it feels good.  It feels good to be both satisfied with the present and hopeful for the future.  I really love my work here at KEMPS.  My students are kind and smart and funny, and my coworkers are supportive and hardworking.  My home is safe and comfortable, it feels like mine.  I have nine sweet, cuddly animals that I get to love on every day, and a fiancé who loves me the way that God intended for us to love each other.  While it has been easy lately to think about all that has gone wrong or the things that I miss the most, I am always reminded of just how blessed I am to be able to do what I love, surrounded by people (and animals) that I love. 

Mungu akubariki,


If you would like to donate towards my work in Tanzania, you can send donations electronically using: 

Venmo: @Alison-Gomulka
Cash App: $AlisonGomulka
PayPal: PayPal.Me/AlisonRGomulka
Zelle: alisonrg24@gmail.com

If you would prefer to send a check, you can mail it to:
Alison Gomulka
15601 Shady Brook Lane
College Station, TX 77845 


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