An Abrupt Interruption
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1: 9 Well here we are, in a place I don’t think any of us wanted to believe we would be. Two weeks ago I woke up to an email from the ELCA stating that all US citizens serving abroad were requested to return home immediately. I almost ignored the email at first. I had received multiple emails from the ELCA in the weeks leading up to this, letting us know the status of the virus and what precautions they were taking. They requested our contingency plans in the event of an emergency in our place of service. But being in Bukoba, so far removed from the situation back home, or even any situations that may have been occurring in other parts of Tanzania, I naively felt relatively secure that I would not be affected by the turmoil. But then I read the email....